Automatonophobia Fear of a Ventriloquist’s Dummy

I think we can all see the merit in this disorder – the very act of ventriloquism seems particularly nasty to me. It involves a man with his hand up a dolls butt which he then proceeds to talk to. Sufferers of automatonophobia need not seek treatment – it is a perfectly valid reaction to a perfectly revolting concept. I think that is enough said on this topic.

Cathisophobia Fear of Sitting

Cathisophobia (sometimes spelled with a ‘k’) is a terror of sitting down. This disorder can be sparked off by a particularly nasty case of hemorrhoids but in some serious cases it can be due to physical abuse relating to sitting on sharp or painful objects. Sometimes, the sitting fear is due to some punishment in the school days, or it may be an indication of some other phobia like sitting in front of elite and influential people. Cathisophobia is characterized by sweating, heavy or short breathe, and anxiety.

Arachibutyrophobia Fear of Peanut Butter Sticking to the Roof of your Mouth

I must say that finding information on this disorder is extremely difficult – which does make me wonder if it is perhaps the figment of an over-active imagination, but it is definitely bizarre and fairly well known so it seems to deserve a place here. This disorder seems to be a fear that is quite easily worked around: don’t buy peanut butter. However, for a child who is forced to eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches every day, one can see how it might cause severe trauma in later life. Here is the testimony of one alleged sufferer: “Whenever I’m around peanut butter I start to sweat excessively and my body starts convulsing. The roof of my mouth becomes coarse and itchy. I can’t live with this fear anymore. My thirst for peanut butter must be quenched without me going into a full blown panic attack.”

Pentheraphobia Fear of Mother-in-Law

Of all the phobias on this list, pentheraphobia is probably the most common. It is, as stated above, the fear of one’s mother-in-law. I am sure that most married people have, at one time or another, suffered from this terrible fear. This fear is one that is so common in Western society that it frequently appears in movies and other forms of entertainment. Of the many available therapies for this illness of the mind, divorce seems to be the most popular. A related phobia to pentheraphobia is novercaphobia which is a fear of your stepmother – the most famous sufferer of which is Cinderella.

Demonophobia Fear of Demons

Demonophobia is an abnormal and persistent fear of evil supernatural beings in persons who believe such beings exist and roam freely to cause harm. Those who suffer from this phobia realize their fear is excessive or irrational. Nevertheless, they become unduly anxious when discussing demons, when venturing alone into woods or a dark house, or when watching films about demonic possession and exorcism. Sufferers are most likely to be recognized by the strings of garlic around their neck, crucifixes, wooden stakes they carry, and gun loaded with silver bullets. Okay – I made that last part up.

Eisoptrophobia Fear of Mirrors

Eisoptrophobia is a fear of mirrors in the broad sense, or more specifically the fear of being put into contact with the spiritual world through a mirror. Sufferers experience undue anxiety even though they realize their fear is irrational. Because their fear often is grounded in superstitions, they may worry that breaking a mirror will bring bad luck or that looking into a mirror will put them in contact with a supernatural world inside the glass. After writing this list I realized that I suffer from a minor form of this disorder in that I don’t like to look into a mirror in the evening when I am alone for fear of seeing someone (or something) behind me.

Deipnophobia Fear of Dinner Conversation

Now admittedly some dinner conversations can be very awkward, but some people are so terrified of the idea of speaking to another person over dinner that they avoid dining out situations. In times gone by there were strict rules of etiquette that helped a person to deal with these situations – but they are (sadly) mostly forgotten. In today’s society in which rules and formality are out the window, it is possible that the more controlled nature of a dinner party may lie partly behind this phobia. For those amongst us who are interested in some tips for coping with fine dining, read our Top 10 Tips for Fine Dining (number eight is specifically about dinner conversation).

Pediophobia Fear of Dolls

Pediophobia is the irrational fear of dolls. Not just scary dolls – ALL dolls. Strictly speaking, the fear is a horror of a “false representation of sentient beings” so it also usually includes robots and mannequins, which can make it decidedly difficult to go shopping. This phobia should not be confused with pedophobia or pediaphobia which is the fear of children. Sigmund Freud believed the disorder may spring from a fear of the doll coming to life and roboticist Masahiro Mori expanded on that theory by stating that the more human-like something becomes, the more repellent its non-human aspects appear. My apologies to those who suffer from pediophobia for the picture above.

Agatti Airport, Lakshadweep

HolidayIQ Traveller Gautam Barman says, “Agatti is a small island and hence, one can enjoy the sea, the lagoons and the beach. You can go to Bangaram and enjoy a full day there. It is about an hour’s journey by boat. Make sure that the permit and formalities are taken care of beforehand.”

Surrounded by nothing but the Indian Ocean, the 4,000-foot-long Agatti Airport is so random and petite that it could pass off as a piece of a larger runway lost at sea. The airport is the only one in Lakshadweep - a Indian Union Territory comprising 36 exotic islands located off of the southwestern coast of India, and sits on the island of Agatti.

Funny Pictures

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Rain man

extraordinary People super power

Kim Peek died in 2009, but by this time he had perfectly memorized 12,000 books. He had become so good at memorizing information that he could read two pages at a time using one eye for each page. He is said to have had the best example of an eidetic memory/photographic memory and he could recall 98% of everything that he ever experienced in perfect detail. His story was the inspiration for the movie Rain Man, although he believed using his abilities for things such as gambling to be “unethical”.

Mister Eat it all

extraordinary People super power

Michael Lotito is known as ‘Monsier Mangetout’ which means ‘Mister Eat-it-All’. He possesses a stomach and intestine with walls twice the thickness of a normal human and his digestive acids are extremely powerful. He has eaten bicycles, glass, rubber, television sets as well as holding the Guiness World Record for eating a plane (which took 2 years) by simply cutting the items up and consuming them with oil and water.

Running Man

extraordinary People super power

Dean Karnazes is an American long-distance runner capable of inhuman feats of endurance, such running 50 marathons in each of the 50 states ... in 50 consecutive days. Which he totally goddamned did. He's run a marathon on every continent twice over and run 350 miles nonstop over three sleepless nights.

The Incredible Insomniac

extraordinary People super power

Although there are a handful of people from around the world who don’t sleep, Ngoc Thai is probably the best at it. At the age of 31 Ngoc Thai came down with a severe fever and has not slept since. That means he hasn’t slept since the 1970's. His condition does not affect his physical nor mental health and doctors say he is completely healthy besides a slightly damaged liver. No matter how many sleeping pills he takes nothing can put him down.

X-Ray Girl

extraordinary People super power

At age 10, Natasha Demkina developed the ability to detect the location and condition of her mother’s organs using only her eyes. Since then she has successfully detected cysts, ulcers and cancers in those who showed up at her door asking for health checks. When taken for a check-up at the hospital, Natasha even told the doctor about the scars on his body he’d attained from a car accident, that no one else could see at the time. Pretty impressive.


extraordinary People super power

Kiwi Dave Mullins much like many of the others, holds Guinness World Records for what he is capable of. He not only has records for amount of time spent under water, but also total distance travelled. Being able to swim under water for 4 minutes and 2 seconds and travel as far as 244 meters would really take some doing, and that is what he does with just one breathe.

Battery Man

extraordinary People super power

Slavisa Pajkic has set a number of world records for various astonishing abilities he seems to possess. He first realised he was gifted when he was unable to feel an electric current running through a live fence (which for some reason he touched). Regardless, he can cook sausages using only his hands, conduct 20,000 volts through his body without frying and can heat a cup of water to 97 degrees Celsius in well under two minutes.

A Jedi in the Matrix

extraordinary People super power

Isao Machii has an ability to process things at a completely different sensory level. So rather than see a bullet moving through the air, for example, he can anticipate where it is at that precise moment. Using his Katana he chops things out of the air for people’s entertainment. He can also be found on Youtube plucking airsoft pellets from the air with his sword.

Man with Photographic Memory

extraordinary People super power

Stephen Wiltshire can look at a city once and draw it from memory. So can we, big deal. The thing is, Wiltshire's drawing will actually look like the city, with every single building in its exact place and perfectly sized in proportion to real life. Buildings, windows, arches, doorways -- almost every detail is precisely correct in size and placement.

Cold Proof Man

extraordinary People super power

Wim Hof is a Dutch-born man with the incredible ability of being invulnerable to cold, which he has proven by swimming in ice cold water and being buried completely in ice. He climbed up Mount Everest in a goddamned pair of goddamned shorts. Researchers finally got curious and decided to test Hof, and amazingly, they found that he can actually control his autonomic nervous system and immune response through concentration and meditation.

Amazing and Extraordinary with real Power

5 Best Places to Celebrate New Years Eve in New York City

1. Times Square

Times Square New Years Eve Fireworks

2. Empire State Building

3. Statue of Liberty
Statue of Liberty Fireworks on New Years Eve

4. Central Park
Central Park Fireworks on New Years Eve

5. Brooklyn Bridge
Brooklyn Bridge Fireworks on New Years Eve